New Book Out Now!

Strange Concentrate: a collection of very short stories. Each story is short enough to be read on an elevator ride to the top of a very low building, yet powerful enough to stay with you long after the building has fallen down.

Highly imaginative, highly entertaining, highly strange. Strange Concentrate contains forty very short stories plus one extra free. Just add water.

Strange Sounding Stories

Ladies and gentlemen – welcome to Strange Sounding Stories.
Stories by Mike Russell voiced by various actors and set to original music by multi-instrumentalists Jules Lawrence and Mark Wilson. The whole performance comprises of nine tracks, lasts approximately fifteen minutes and is free to listen to. Just click on the eye. Enjoy!

Strange Sounding Stories

Looking for an unusual gift? Give a strange book.

Let them know you love their strangeness.

Click on the button to view Mike Russell’s Amazon page:

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